
Info taken from the National Safe Kids site with additional activities developed in Oklahoma.

Kids’ Corner

Be a Safety Sleuth!

Right now, safety “clues” are hiding everywhere – maybe even in your own school!  Look for them on the back of milk cartons in your cafeteria. If you can’t find the puzzles on milk cartons at school, then download them from below!

Crack the safety codes, either on your own, or with your friends. Then, bring them to your teacher and ask if you can challenge the class. You’ll soon find out that keeping yourself safe and sound is no great mystery!

If you’ve already figured these out, give yourself a “safety salute”!  And keep checking this site – there are more puzzles, games, and safety news on the way!

Hey Kids!

Download the documents below and crack the safety codes! Show your teachers and your friends!

Rebus“Arrive Alive” Activities
RebusRebus Picture Puzzles
COLORING1Coloring Safety
SCRAMBLES1Safety Scrambles
Jokes1Safety Mazes, Jokes & More
Quizzes1Safety Quizzes
Michael 4 Safety ActivityInteractive web activity for kids on safety (provided first on the Oklahoma Safe Kids site)