Child Passenger Safety Links:
Air Bag Safety
Buckle Up Workshop
Car Seat Check
Options for Obtaining a Child Safety Seat
Keeping Kids Happy in Safety Seats
Report Violation
Top 10 Mistakes
Activities for Kids
Michael 4SafetyColoring Activity
Super Sitters
News Links
Bike Helmet Program
Safety Links
Safety Surveys
Video&Other Resources
Oklahoma SAFE KIDS Membership
Membership Prerequisite for Oklahoma SAFE KIDS Coalition—Membership Agreement
I agree with the mission of the Oklahoma SAFE KIDS Coalition and its multi-faceted approach to childhood injury: community action, educational interventions, public policy initiatives, and media efforts. I pledge to fight unintentional childhood injury by participating in the Oklahoma SAFE KIDS Coalition.
I understand that acceptance of this application by the Coalition does not constitute permission to use the Oklahoma SAFE KIDS Coalition logo, name or materials without first receiving approval from the Coalition’s lead organization*
After ensuring that you agree with the membership agreement, you may utilize one of the following two options to submit your membership:
You can access our membership form which can be printed out and mailed, or
Utilize our electronic membership form submission.